Spring Guide Trip Special through April 15th! Visit our Trips page for more info.
Spring Guide Trip Special through April 15th! Visit our Trips page for more info.
November 08, 2022
Over the past two decades in fly fishing, jig-style flies with barbless hooks have emerged as an effective alternative to traditionally barbed hooks. Look in any fly bin across the country and you'll more than likely find some jigs in the nymph section. The craze began with competition anglers looking for an advantage, and has since filtered down throughout fly fishing. But why are they so popular now? Are there any benefits other than being different?
November 04, 2022
July 27, 2021
With lower than average water flows and higher than average air temperatures, Southwestern Montana has been feeling quite a bit different this summer than most. Lower flows and warmer air temps leads to warmer than normal water temperatures which can put undue stress on the trout living here in Montana. When water temperatures are cool, 50s to mid 60s, trout are fairly happy, but when temps creep up into the 70s that's when problems can arise. Trout, for the most part, will still happily eat during periods of warmer water temps and may often in fact fight just as hard as when the water is cooler. The problem comes with recovery. After expending that kind of energy being caught, when the water is warm, they often have trouble recovering from a valiant effort of being caught and released. In order to protect the trout populations of Montana, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) has the ability to enact "Hoot Owl" restrictions on fishing on some or all of the rivers in the state.
April 24, 2021
Lots of changes to Fishing Licenses for Yellowstone National Park in 2021. Prices have increased as below and you now have the ability to buy them online. We will still sell them here in the shops.
2021 YNP License Fees
3-Day License - $40
7-Day License - $55
Season License - $75
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