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June 12, 2021
1730 CFS @ Ennis - The Lower Madison has continued to stay low and fish well. There have been good hatches of PMDs, Yellow Sallies, and Caddis. Nymphing has been the best bet with crayfish, stonefly patterns and PMD, Yellow Sally, or caddis nymphs. Dry fly fishing has been spotty but certainly productive if you stick with it.
Recommended Flies:
Clouser Cray #10
Nosepicker PMD #16
TB Yellow Sally #12
Para PMD #16
Chubby Sally #12
May 29, 2021
1880 @ Ennis - The flows on the Lower Madison have been mostly staying steady creating some great fishing opportunities. Caddis and yellow sallies seem to be around in good numbers. Nymphing has been the most productive with decent dry fly fishing in the evenings with caddis. Crayfish patterns have also been working well.
Recommended Flies:
Zirdle Camo #10
G6 Caddis #6
BH Yellow Sally #14
Neversink Sally #14
Missing Link Caddis #16
May 13, 2021
1370 @ Ennis - The Lower Madison caddis hatch is back on. Fish have been rising throughout the day, but the evening hours bring the most fish to the surface. Look along the banks and shade lines for rising fish. Subsurface action has been hot as well. Try a crayfish pattern, pheasant tail, or caddis pupa.
Recommended Flies:
G6 Caddis #16
Shop Vac #16
Goddard Caddis #16
EZ Caddis #14
Dead Drift Crayfish #8
May 11, 2021
1520 CFS @ Ennis - The Mother's Day caddis hatch is here. Fish have been rising throughout the day but the evening hours bring a lot more fish to the surface. Look along the the banks and shade lines for rising fish. Nymphing has also been hot with crayfish patterns, San Juan worms and caddis larvae.
Recommended Flies:
G6 Caddis #16
May 04, 2021
1490 CFS @ Ennis - The Lower Madison has Caddis! The last few days of warm afternoon weather have brought on the beginning of the Caddis Hatch on the Lower Madison river. Dry fly fishing has been sporadic but will typically be better in the later afternoons once the bugs return to the water. There are also still plenty of March Browns and a few baetis around. Nymphing has still been good with worm, egg or crayfish patterns trailed with caddis or baetis emergers of some sort. Dry fly fishing should pick up as the weather warms up a bit.
Recommended Flies:
Elk Hair Caddis #14
Parachute Caddis #12
SH Hare's Ear #14
Delekta Worm #12
Sparkle Pupa #16
May 01, 2021
1590 @ Ennis - The Lower Madison is still a great option although the fishing has been a little spotty over the past few days. Wind has been the biggest factor but as that settles down, look for the possibility of Caddis maybe next week. Baetis are still around when the wind dies down. Nymphing has still been the best option and most consistent. Water clarity is good at the moment.
Recommended Flies:
Clouser Cray #8
Rubberlegs #8
Soft Hackle Hare's Ear #14
Egg Pattern #16
Master Baetis #16
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