May 11, 2021 1 min read
Right now, the Spring Creeks are fishing pretty consistently, but mainly subsurface. It's a little early for most of the major summer hatches, but watch out for midges and BWOs on overcast days. Some caddis may even pop on warmer evenings. Anglers have been having the most success with BWO and midge nymphs, as well as pink scuds and sowbugs.
Recommended Flies:
Mighty May Baetis #18
Split Case BWO #18
Morgans Midge #20
Thorax Baetis #20
Film Critic #18
June 13, 2021 1 min read
The Paradise Valley Spring Creeks are pretty booked up this summer, but if you're lucky enough to have one of those days on your schedule, the fishing has been consistently good. On the sunny days, small nymphs are going to be your ticket to success, but any cloud cover can result in some spectacular fishing this time of year.
Recommended Flies:
Holo Flash Midge #18
Mighty May Baetis #16
PFD Parachute BWO #18
Brooks' Sprout Baetis #18-20
EZ Caddis #16
June 01, 2021 1 min read
The Paradise Valley Spring Creeks are a great option this time of year. With many of the area rivers approaching (or fully in) runoff mode, the consistent flows and temperatures of the Spring Creeks provide excellent opportunities. Dry-fly action has been hit-or-miss depending on cloud cover, so be prepared to use small nymphs when the sun is shining.
Recommended Flies:
Holo Flash Midge #18
Mighty May Baetis #16
PFD Parachute BWO #18
Brooks' Sprout Baetis #18-20
EZ Caddis #16
May 26, 2021 1 min read
The Spring Creeks are always a reliable option this time of year. Both Armstrong and DePuy's are reliably producing fish on small midge patterns, as well as BWOs on the overcast days. Trying some caddis patterns right now should also get fish interested in looking up.
Recommended Flies:
Holo Flash Midge #18
Mighty May Baetis #16
PFD Parachute BWO #18
Brooks' Sprout Baetis #18-20
EZ Caddis #16